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Actions you can take As a TA

What sort of actions you need to take as a TA

Simon Andovski avatar
Written by Simon Andovski
Updated over a month ago

As a Talent Acquisition (TA) professional, you can manage several aspects of the interview process, but there are certain limitations on your actions.

Here's a breakdown of what you can and cannot do:

Allowed Actions

  • Create a Meeting: You can set up new meetings for candidates and interviewers.

  • Edit Meeting Details: You can make changes to the meeting information, such as time, participants, and format.

  • Reschedule a Meeting: If needed, you can reschedule a meeting and update the relevant details.

  • Delete a Meeting: You can delete a meeting if it is no longer required.

Restricted Actions

Unless you are the host of the meeting, you are NOT able to:

  • Approve a Meeting: Only the designated host or hiring manager can approve meeting times.

  • Cancel a Meeting: Cancelling a meeting is restricted to the host or hiring manager.

    Cancelled meetings means that it will still show up in the meeting tab, and:

  • if candidates were invited but haven't scheduled, they will not be informed the meeting was cancelled

  • if the interview was scheduled and then cancelled, the candidates will be informed that it was cancelled, and news times will be sent to them to schedule soon.

    This is different from deleted meetings which mean:

  • You the TA, deleted a meeting, regardless of the status, and the meeting will not occur. The hiring manager and candidate will be notified

  • The candidate cancelled a scheduled meeting

These guidelines help ensure that the scheduling process remains organized and that the right people handle the most critical decisions.

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