Save time on creating interviews with myInterview templates! We have given you a bunch of templates to choose from and have made making your own template simple. In this article, we will go over templates.
Templates- where to find pre made options
We understand that creating roles can be time consuming. That is why the myInterview team has taken suggestions from our customers and created templates based on what companies were frequently asking. You will find these templates on both your Workable and myInterview account.
Here is where to select templates on Workable:
Check out some examples of our templates at the end of this article :)
Templates- when to create
Not finding the template that works for you on Workable? Create one! myInterview has supplied you with some basic templates but have also established an easy way to create some yourself. By creating your own template to transfer to Workable you take full control over what you are looking for in the roles you have. This means you get the results you are looking for with full creativity of what your company sends out.
Templates- how to create
To create the perfect myInterview template for your Workable account you have to first sign onto the myInterview website. From our platform you will find the “Templates” tab conveniently placed on the left. From their click “Create New Template”, as shown below.
From there you will be given full creative power over your templates that will transfer over to your Workable account automatically. Create the perfect template once and send it with confidence!
If you have a great template feel free to share it with us!
Below are some of our top templates for a variety of different roles.
Graduate Interview
Please walk us through your resume
Why would you like to join us?
What has been your proudest moment?
Who is your role model and why do you respect them?
Customer Services Interview
Please walk us through your resume
You are encountered by an angry customer who is refusing to pay their bill. How do you react?
What does a happy customer look like to you?
What do you think your day will look like with us?
Management Interview
Please walk us through your resume
A member of your team is underperforming, what are your next steps?
What can you bring to this team?
What has been your proudest moment
Sales Interview
Please walk us through your resume
What is the last thing you sold and why should I buy it?
What do you want to achieve in this role?
What has been your proudest moment?
Administration Interview
Please walk us through your resume
What does a job well done mean to you?
What has been your proudest moment?
What would you like to achieve in this role?
Technical Interview
Please walk us through your resume
What is the greatest challenge you have overcome at work?
What is the most exciting part of your job?
How do you usually plan out your tasks at work?
Health Interview
Please walk us through your resume
What was the most challenging part of your previous role, how did you grow from it?
What does 'bedside manner' mean to you?
What is one subject you wish you knew more about and why?
Legal Interview
Please walk us through your resume
How do you manage your day?
What decisions do you find difficult to make?
What sort of response would we get from your referees about your professional as well as social manner?
Accountancy Interview
Please walk us through your resume
Describe a time when you helped to reduce costs at a previous accounting job.
You spot an error in your ledger after it has been submitted to our largest client. What do you do next?
What would you like to achieve during this role?
Getting to know you Interview
What has been your greatest achievement and why?
Is there a time to lie? Justify your position
If you didn't have to work, what would you do?
What is your greatest weakness and how do you compensate for it?
If you have a great template or question, let us know! :)