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Sending Out Reminders

Remind candidates of impending deadlines with reminders

Ethan Collett avatar
Written by Ethan Collett
Updated over a week ago

Make sure another candidate never misses an interview with myInterview's reminder system! We have a few ways to connect you with candidates that ensure they meet their deadlines. In this article, we’ll review how reminders work.

Reminders - when to send
Reminders are a great way to ensure a candidate hasn’t
accidentally missed your request to submit a video. We know
that a candidate always wants to do their best, and sometimes
they wait for that “perfect moment” just a little too long. In order
to keep your process moving, a simple email or text message to
their mobile might just do the trick.

We know how valuable your time is, and based on feedback
from our users, we’ve made your job easier with automated
reminders, so you only have to do this once, then grab yourself
a coffee and let myInterview do the rest.

Reminders - how to send
To send a reminder to candidates first you must check their invite status. After getting to the "Invite Status" screen check the boxes next to candidates to whom you would like to send reminders, as shown below.

After clicking the "Send Reminder" button, you will be directed to a screen where you can custom edit the message candidates receive as an email reminder or an SMS reminder (if you’ve inputted a phone number when you were inviting the candidate).

If you’re not in the mood to write down the reminders one at a time, with templates enabled, you can select a Reminder Template to send out to your candidates in no time flat!

After clicking "Send Reminders" you will be directed to a screen where you can custom-edit the message you would like to send to your candidate.

The default message is shown below.

After you nailed it with the message, click "Send # Reminders" and off they go!

Setting Up Automated Reminders
We don't like repetitive tasks either. With the automated reminder option, candidates will receive customized emails at a set number of days before the interviewing deadline. This feature can be enabled while creating interviews or from the "Invite" tab. Under the "Message to Candidate" you will have to select a deadline and then you will have the option to customize an automated reminder (or a few of them if you would like) that your candidates will receive via email at selected times. Build the workflow once and let myInterview do the rest.

Note: You cannot set automated responses to be sent before the day you are editing the interview.

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